UTARI & UTA Researchers Awarded Interdisciplinary Research Program (IRP) Grant.

Dr. Haleh Aghajani, UTARI Research Scientist, in collaboration with UTA researchers has been awarded the Interdisciplinary Research Program (IRP) Grant. The IRP grant will help fund “From data to personalized preventive medicine: leveraging wearable sensors to promote active living in women of color with obesity” research project. Using combined methodologies…

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AIS Researchers Win Best Poster and Finalist for Best Paper

AIS researchers won the Best Poster Paper at The 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) Conference held June 29-July 2, 2021. Accolades for MINA: A Multitasking Intelligent Nurse Aid Robot were received by researchers Harish Ram Nambiappan, Kodur Krishna Chaitanya, Maria Kyrarini, Nicholas Gans, and Fillia Makedon. Also,…

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Institute for Predictive Performance Methodologies (IPPM) Two Papers Published, One Patent Granted

IPPM patent pic

IPPM’s latest published journal papers present data on a characterization methodology for composites under fatigue loading using dielectric state variables and a review of artificial intelligence models from the past few decades that have been applied to structural health monitoring and prognostics health management of polymer matrix composites. • Stiffness…

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Two UTARI Staff Receive Awards

Xochitl Villalpando, Administrative Services Officer

Xochitl Villalpando, Administrative Services Officer, and Evenita Crim, Administrative Assistant I, have been awarded the UTA Staff Advisory Council Star Award. The award recognizes outstanding staff members who show a commitment and passion to the university. The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) is an elected group of staff members across UTA…

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Dr. Yan Wan Awarded Three Grants

Doctor Yan Wan

Dr. Yan Wan, Professor, Electrical Engineering, as Principal Investigator(PI) and co-PI, received three grants last year to develop fundamental intelligent control, cyber-physical systems, and optimization theories and to pursue their new applications in microgrids, multi-robot systems, and autonomous driving. ONR In this project, Wan will explore new analysis and design methods that…

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Dr. Nick Gans Partners with Novateur Research Solutions

Novateur Logo

Dr. Nick Gans, Principal Research Scientist and AIS Division Head, and his team have have partnered with Novateur Research Solutions on two government funded projects through U.S. Army sponsored Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. The first project focuses on a neural-network driven dead reckoning navigation system that would allow…

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