Dr. Xin Liu Hosted the Roundtable Discussion at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers hosted their International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) Conference Nov. 1-5, 2021. IMECE is ASME’s largest research and development conference focused primarily on mechanical engineering but encompasses perspectives from many engineering disciplines.

Dr. Xin Liu, Assistant Professor at the Industrial, Manufacturing, & Systems Engineering (IMSE) Department at UTA and a member of the Institute for Predictive Performance Methodologies (IPPM) at the UTA Research Institute, hosted a roundtable discussion on the topic of “Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in the Simulations of Process-Structure-Property-Performance Relationships of Advanced Materials”. Several popular topics such as physics-informed neural networks, data-driven multiscale modeling, and combination of neural network and finite element modeling have been discussed.

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