Dr. Nick Gans, Cody Lundberg and Collaborator, Novateur Research Solutions, Awarded Patent

Dr. Nick Gans, head of UTARI’s Automation and Intelligent Systems Division and Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, and Cody Lundberg, Research Scientist II, has been awarded a patent for “Camera and Sensor System for Measurement of Road Surface Deflection.” Gans and Lundberg collaborated with Novateur Research Solutions on an…

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UTARI Seminar – Dr. Suhas Chelian

Each seminar highlights a different speaker who will discuss their latest research projects, cutting-edge technology or what is happening within certain technological industries. These industries include biomedical technologies or microsystems, assistive technologies, automation and intelligent systems, unmanned systems, advanced manufacturing and composite materials. Title: There and back again with neuromorphic…

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Dr. Ye Cao Wins CAREER Award

Dr. Ye Cao, Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, has earned a five-year, $500,000 CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation to make computer processing of large amounts of data faster and more efficient with devices called memristors. Applications such as deep learning require computers that can process large amounts…

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