Human Robot Interaction

Human Robot Interaction


Project: Robotic Nursing Aid w/ PR2 Robot

  • Goal: Aiming to improve elder care through accomplishing various activities of daily living
  • Team: University of Louisville-Kentucky; Texas Health Resources; RE^2; Dr. Deborah Behan, UTA School of Nursing
  • Sponsor: NSF: Building Innovation Capacity

Project: Theater for Psychological Well-Being

  • Goal: Intervention tool for early onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s
  • Outcome: Multiple studies completed in assisted living facilities with such positive results that funding has been provided for additional studies.
  • Team: Dr. Julienne Greer, UTA College of Theatre Arts, Dr. Noelle Fields, UTA School of Social Work
  • Sponsor: UTA: Interdisciplinary Research Program

Project: Providing Respit for Caregivers

  • Team: Georgia Tech RERC; Drs. Ling and Fields, UTA School of Social Work; Dr. Julienne Greer, UTA College Theatre Arts
  • Sponsor: NIH: NIDILRR