Current Predictive Performance Methodologies Research
The Institute for Predictive Performance specializes in heterogeneous materials including: polymer, metal, and ceramic based composites for structural, electrochemical, chemical processing, nuclear fuels and nuclear waste storage, and chemical processing applications. Unique strengths include the development of special material analysis, characterization, and assessment methods that enable the prediction of future performance on the basis of current condition, including as-manufactured condition, for individual specimens, devices, structures, and systems. This is enabling technology for modern design and risk control methods such as supervisory control, zero maintenance, and certain nuclear nonproliferation strategies. Examples include the following:
Design, Manufacture, Evaluation, and Multi-physical Modeling of Aerospace Composite Materials for Enhanced Reliability ;(NASA: 15540-FC36) Our research has developed new current state analysis technologies for the estimation of strength and life of individual composite material samples and components in the as-manufactured and after-service conditions based on dielectric methods.
Predictive Methods for Prognosis of End of Life for Nuclear Waste Forms Containment (DOE / NEUP) Multi-physics, multi-scale analysis methods have been used to develop the first-ever predictive models of the radiation loss rates and mechanical failure of heterogeneous solids that are used to confine nuclear waste products by incorporating them into the atomic structure of the phases of the confinement materials.
Material State Awareness and Sustainability (MSAS)
- Manufacturing of multi-scale (micro-/nano-phased) and multifunctional heterogeneous structural composites
- Performance Prediction of Adhesive Bonds
- Material State Assessment of Composites under mechanical and hygrothermal loading
- Sustainable Manufacturing of Composites
- Recycling and Repurposing of Manufactured Composites and Raw Materials (i.e., prepregs)
- Manufacturing and Application of Electrospun Multi-functional fibers and mats
- Multi-physical and Data Driven predictive performance, multi-scale degradation mechanisms, durability and prognosis of heterogeneous material system, i.e., structural composite, SOFC fuel cell, adhesive bond