Rehabilitation Technology Research
UTARI’s work in this research area is centered on evidence-based strategies and developments for the prevention of chronic ailments and injuries.
Rehab Glove

The REHAB Glove is a portable, feedback controlled, and programmable system capable of implementing prescribed therapeutic schemes developed by healthcare professionals. Each digit includes a state-of-the-art inertial measurement sensor to monitor the joint motion during flexion and extension. Applied torque and its resulting joint-angle motion provide data for progress monitoring and evaluation. Remote monitoring and adjustment enable therapists to prescribe, monitor, and evaluate therapy outside of the traditional clinical setting.
Three Therapy Modes in One System
- Continuous Passive Motion
- Patient Assisted Motion
- Active Resistance Movement
Evidence Based Optimal Therapy
- Quantifiable diagnostic
- Progress monitoring
- Remote access and data logging
Affordable and Usable
- Light weight and portable
- Easy-to-use and safe
- Low-Cost
Collaborative Effort
- Partnered with UNT-Health Science Center and Cooks Children’s Hospital
- Sponsored by the Texas Medical Research Collaborative and National Science Foundation