Injury Prevention Technology Research
UTARI’s work in this research area is centered on evidence-based strategies and developments for the prevention of chronic ailments and injuries.
Smart Cushion

The smart seat cushion monitors and modulates seating interface pressure in real-time to reduce pressure ulcer prevalence among wheelchair users. The cushion consists of an array of sensorized air cells, control hardware, and a GUI. Sensorized air cells provide a means of measuring the load of a seated person on the cushion and will adjust the seating interface pressure through inflation and deflation. The control unit manages the pressure modulation of individual air cells to automatically offload and redistribute interface pressure while minimizing shear forces. Users can visualize the mapped pressure through a GUI and selectively offload pressure in desired areas to accommodate pre-existing conditions and preference. Pressure data is continuously logged for retrospective analysis and will help develop effective clinical protocols for pressure ulcer prevention.
Medical Significance
- Real-time pressure mapping and modulation
- Adaptation to individual patient and sitting posture
- Instantaneous customization to accommodate preexisting pressure ulcers
- Continuous interface pressure data logging
- Allow integration to various wheelchairs
- Easy-to-use
Collaborative Effort
- Partnered Human Engineering Research Laboratories at University of Pittsburgh
- Sponsored by U.S Department of Defense