
UTARI Facility


The UTARI facility, located off-site from the main UTA campus in a 48,000 ft2 building, maintains office space for full-time staff members, faculty, visiting scientists, and collaborators and eight shared laboratories with equipment and capabilities in rapid prototyping, machining, fabrication, inspection, and testing. UTARI has a full-time Facilities Manager who coordinates access, safety, and general operations as well as a full-time Equipment Technician who assists in the operation and maintenance of the equipment for all the researchers. The laboratories are shared among the staff at UTARI, and as such are available through secured card access as needed for each project and researcher.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact:

Ron LaPosa
Facility Manager
ron.laposa@uta.edu | 817-272-5911

Clayton Webb
Facility Technician
clayton.web@uta.edu | 817-272-5971