Category: News
Theater and Social Robotics Project is Awarded IPR Grant
Dr. Reifsnider is part of plenary talk at ICEPT in Wuhan, China

UTARI’s Kenneth Reifsnider, Director of the Institute for Predictive Performance Methodologies was part of a distinguished panel for the Plenary Talk at the 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT) in Wuhan, China on August 16-19, 2016. The conference offered attendees, experts, researchers and engineers from industry and academia numerous opportunities…
12th Annual IEEE/CASE Conference

Members of the UTARI research staff will be actively involved at twelfth annual IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), and will be held in Fort Worth Texas, USA, August 21 to 24, 2016. The goal of this…
Frank Lewis part UT System Patent Count
McNair, Huber talk Future Robotic Technology on “Tech Insider”
McNair speaks at Arlington’s “Put Technology to Work”
UTARI Involvement at 12th DURACOSYS 2016

Endel Iarve, Ph.D received key note speaker recognition at DURACOSYS 2016 for his topic “Computational Analysis for Durability of Laminated Composite Structures.” Iarve is congratulated by Kenneth Reifsnider, Ph.D, Director of The Institute for Predictive Performance Methodologies at UTARI. The 12th International Conference on Durability of Composite Systems (DURACOSYS) was hosted…
McNair to speak about Intelligent Transportation at TexITE

Just how real are driverless cars? When will they be available? Looking beyond television commercials and vehicle announcements, McNair brings a holistic approach to this exciting technology. Many advancements have been made in driverless vehicles but in order to see their widespread use and reality, we must prepare and offer…
“Inquiry” quotes Drs. McCabe and Reifsnider about Composites

“Inquiry’s”Melinda Mahaffey Icden quotes UTARI Executive Director Dr. Mickey McCabe and Director of the Institute for Predictive Performance Methodologies regarding development and testing of composite materials. Composite materials can be found in everything from cars to space shuttles. But their development is difficult and testing expensive. With two new centers…