Publications and
Conference Papers
- V. Erel, S. Suresh, I. Singh, A. Palomino, F. Tafannum, S. H. Nami, S. Jiang, H. Peng, N. Gans, and M.B.J. Wijesundara. 2024. “A Novel Design of Soft Corrugated Actuator for Creating Precise Head and Neck Positioning System” Actuators 13, no. 9: 351, September 2024
- M. Theofanidis, M. Davoodi, H. Hafezi, N. Gans, “Safe Human-Robot Motor Skill Learning through Probabilistic Dynamic Movement Primitives and Control Barrier Functions,” Proc. American Controls Conference, 2024
- H.R. Nambiappan, S. Nikanfar, A. Roy, J. Hussain, D. Shinglot, S. Acharya, N. Gans, and F. Makedon. “Human-Robot Interactive System for Warehouses using Speech SLAM and Deep Learning-based Barcode Recognition.” In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, pp. 38-44. 2024.
- N.R. Gans, C.L. Lundberg, J. Forsythe, P. Ensing, T. Bourlai, “Targeting Simulation for Assessment of Lay Error Under Varying Conditions,” NDIA Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, 2023. Best Paper in the Modeling Software and Simulation Track, Finalist for Best Paper at the Conference.
- M.G. Grohman, M.J. Brown, N.R. Gans, J.G. Edwards, “Work in Progress: Student Learning Experiences in the Research Lab: Qualitative Analysis of Two Types of Leadership-Mentorship Style,” Proc. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2023
- M. Davoodi, A. Iqbal, J. M. Cloud, W. J. Beksi and N. R. Gans, “Rule-Based Safe Probabilistic Movement Primitive Control via Control Barrier Functions,” in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022
- A. Iqbal, R. Thapa, N.R. Gans, “Reinforcement Learning Based Loop Closure Detection,” in Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 106, no. 51, 2022.
- A. P. Yadav, M. Davoodi, N. R. Gans and A. Davoudi, “Partial-Update Kalman Filter for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Estimates Under Intermittent Data,” in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 67305-67315, 2022.
- S. Kumar, O. Makarenkov, R.D. Gregg, N. Gans, Nicholas, “Stability of Time-Invariant Extremum Seeking Control for Limit Cycle Minimization,” in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 5017-5024, 2022
- A. P. Yadav, M. Davoodi, N. R. Gans and A. Davoudi, “Partial-Update Kalman Filter for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Estimates Under Intermittent Data,” in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 67305-67315, 2022
- A. Iqbal, M.G. Garcia, L. Chellappan, N. Gans, “Object detection and classification for small objects in/on water,” SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 31, no. 3, 2022
- M. Davoodi, A. Iqbal, J. Cloud, W. Beksi, N. Gans, “Safe Robot Trajectory Control using Probabilistic Movement Primitives and Control Barrier Functions,” Frontiers in Robotics, February, 2022
- H.R. Nambiappan, S.A. Arboleda, C.L. Lundberg, M. Kyrarini, F. Makedon, and N. Gans, “MINA: A Robotic Assistant for Hospital Fetching Tasks” MDPI Technologies, vol. 10, no. 2, 2022
- B. H. Jafari, M. Davoodi and N. R. Gans, “Simultaneous Parameter Estimation and Tracking Control without Persistence of Excitation with Application in Ink-Jet Deposition,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, August, 2022
- M. Davoodi, A. Iqbal, J. Cloud, W. Beksi, N. Gans, “Probabilistic Movement Primitive Control Via Control Barrier Functions,” Proc. IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, to appear August, 2021, Finalist for Best Paper at the Conference
- M. Davoodi, A. Iqbal, W. Beksi, N. Gans, “Safe Human-Robot Coetaneousness Through Model Predictive Control Barrier Functions and Motion Distributions,” Proc. IFAC Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference, to appear October, 2021
- Y. Zhang, K. Fathian and N. R. Gans, “VEst: An Efficient Solution to the Camera Velocity Estimation from Minimal Feature Points,” Proc. American Control Conference, June, 2021
- D. Kumar, N. Gans and M. A. Rotea, “Multi-Objective Logarithmic Extremum Seeking for Wind TurbinePower Capture with Load Reduction,” Proc. American Controls Conference, June, 2021
- N.R. Gans, J.G. Rogers, “Cooperative Multirobot Systems for Military Applications,” Current Robotics Reports, January, 2021
- Iqbal and N. R. Gans, “Data Association and Localization of Classified Objects in Visual SLAM,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, no. 100, pp 113-130, October, 2020
- K. Fathian, S. Safaoui, T. H. Summers; N. R. Gans, “Robust Distributed Planar Formation Control for Higher Order Holonomic and Nonholonomic Agents”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, available online, August, 2020
- N. Gans, K. Fathian K., “Vision-Based Motion Estimation”, in Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, J. Baillieul and T. Samad Eds., Springer, 2020
- B. Hosseini Jafari and N. Gans, “Surface Parameterization and Trajectory Generation on Regular Surfaces with Application in Robot-Guided Deposition Printing,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter
- Kartal, K. Subbarao, N. Gans, A. Dogan, F.L. Lewis . “Distributed Backstepping Based Control of Multiple UAV Formation Flight Subject to Time Delays.” IET Control Theory & Applications, 2020, Accepted, to appear
- S. Kumar, M. Zwall, E. Bolivar-Nieto, R. D. Gregg and N. Gans, “Extremum Seeking Control for Stiffness Auto-Tuning of a Quasi-Passive Ankle Exoskeleton,” in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
- S. Kumar, A. Mohammadi, D. Quinteri, S. Rezazadeh, N. Gans, and R.D. Gregg, “Extremum Seeking Control for Model-Free Auto-Tuning of Powered Prosthetic Legs,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
- E.A. Lee, N. Gans, M. Grohman and M. Brown, “Guiding Engineering Student Teams’ Ethics Discussions with Peer Advising,” Science and Engineering Ethics, vol 26, pp 1743–1769, 2020
- K. Fathian, N. Gans, W. Krawcewicz and D. Rachinskii, “Regular Polygon Formations with Fixed Size and Cyclic Sensing Constraint,” in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , vol. 64, no. 12, December, 2019
- Das, A.N., Doelling, K., Lundberg, C., Sevil, H.E., Lewis, F., “A Mixed Reality Based Hybrid Swarm Control Architecture for Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T)”. ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2017), Tampa, USA, 3-9 November 2017, IMECE2017-72076.
- Zirakchi, A., Lundberg, C., Sevil, H.E., “Omni Directional Moving Object Detection and Tracking with Virtual Reality Feedback”. ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2017), Virginia, USA, 11-13 October 2017, DSCC2017-5352.
- Rajashekaraiah, G., Sevil, H.E., Dogan, A., “PTEM based Moving Obstacle Detection and Avoidance for an Unmanned Ground Vehicle”. ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2017), Virginia, USA, 11-13 October 2017, DSCC2017-5330.
- Sevil, H.E., Dogan, A., Subbarao, K., Huff, B., “Evaluation of Extant Computer Vision Techniques for Detecting Intruder sUAS”. 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Miami, USA, 13-16 June 2017, pp. 929-938.
- Ramani, A., Sevil, H.E., Dogan, A., “Determining Intruder Aircraft Position using Series of Stereoscopic 2-D Images“. 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Miami, USA, 13-16 June 2017, pp. 902-911.
- Sevil, H.E., Dogan, A., “Airdata-Sensor-based Relative Position Estimation for Receiver Aircraft in Aerial Refueling“. AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, Grapevine, USA, 9-13 January 2017, AIAA 2017-1639, doi: 10.2514/6.2017-1639.
- Doelling, K., Kretz, J., and McNair, M. “Influencing Factors in the Design of Smart Homes for Persons with Disabilities.” Inclusive Smart Cities and e-Health: 13th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, ICOST 2015, Geneva, Switzerland, June 10-12, 2015, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 295-300.
- Sevil, H.E., Dogan, A., “Fault Diagnosis in Air Data Sensors for Receiver Aircraft in Aerial Refueling”. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 1959-1975, 2015.
- Daskiran, O., Sevil, H.E., Dogan, A., and Huff, B., “UGV and UAV Cooperation for Constructing Probabilistic Threat Exposure Map (PTEM)“. Proc. of 15th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, Dallas, USA, 22-26 June 2015, AIAA 2015-2740.
- K.Doelling, J. Shin, and D. Popa, “Service Robotics for the Home: A State of the Art Review.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. ACM, 2014.
- J. Shin, W.H. Lee, C. Nothnagle, and M.B.J. Wijesundara, “EHD as Sensor Fabrication Technology for Robotic Skins,” Proc. SPIE 9116, Next-Generation Robots and Systems, 91160F (June 4, 2014); doi: 10.1117/12.2053429.
- M. McNair, “Needs and Emerging Trends of Remote Sensing”, Proc. SPIE 9116, Next Generation Robots and Systems, 91160A (June 4, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2058278’
- C.McMurrough, H. Enotiades, S. Phan, S. Savoie, F. Makedon, “Development of An Omniwheel-based Holonomic Robot Platform for Rought Terrain“, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Article No. 59, 2013.
- Aditya N. Das and Stephen Savoie, “Quasi-static evaluation of a modular and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Cell,” presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013.
- Aditya N. Das and Stephen Savoie, “A low cost, modular and reconfigurable manufacturing cell for construction of heterogeneous micro-nano systems,” presented at Tech Connect World, Washington, DC, USA, May 2013.
- A. N. Das, H. E. Stephanou, R. Murthy, “Because things are getting smaller – Cross-scale integration of assembly”, MICROmanufacturing magazine, January/February Issue 2012.
- Mayyas, M. Comprehensive Thermal Modeling of ElectroThermoElastic Microstructures. Actuators 2012, 1, pp. 21-35.
- A. N. Das, H. E. Stephanou, R. Murthy, “Because things are getting smaller – Cross-scale integration of assembly”, MICROmanufacturing magazine, January/February Issue 2012.
- Mayyas, M. Comprehensive Thermal Modeling of ElectroThermoElastic Microstructures. Actuators 2012, 1, pp. 21-35.
- A. N. Das, D. Popa, H. E. Stephanou, “Precision Evaluation of Modular Multiscale Robots for Peg-in-Hole Microassembly Tasks”, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Francisco, California, USA, page(s): 1699 – 1704, September 2011.
- A. N. Das, R. Murthy, D. O. Popa, H. E. Stephanou, “A Multiscale Assembly & Packaging System for Manufacturing of Complex Micro-nano Devices”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE), Vol. 9, Issue. 1, page(s): 160-170, Jan 2011. S. Son, S. Lee, Y.J. Kim, J. Choi, J. Sin, W.H. Lee, M. Wijesundara, and H. Stephanou, “Array-Nozzle EHD Print Head and its Drop-on-Demand Experimentation,” Nanotech Con. & Expo, Boston, MA, June, 2011.
- R. Murthy, A. N. Das, D. O. Popa, “ARRIpede: An Assembled Die Scale Microcrawler”, Journal of Advanced Robotics, The Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ), 2010.
- A. N. Das, H. E. Stephanou, “Design for Micromanufacturability”, LASTWord in MICROmanufacturing magazine, November/December Issue, 2010.
- J. Sin, W.H. Lee, and H. Stephanou, “Sensitivity Analysis of an Assembled Fourier Transform Microspectrometer,” Proc. SPIE, Vo. 7680, Orlando, FL, 2010.
- Saket Karajgikar, Smitha Rao, Jeongsik Sin, Dereje Agonafer, Jung-Chih Chiao, Dan Popa, and Harry Stephanou, “Electro-Thermal Analysis of In-Plane Micropump,” IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, vol. 33, no. 2, June 2010, pp. 329-339
- R. Murthy, A. N. Das, D. O. Popa, “Nonholonomic Control for an Assembled Microcrawler”, 9th IFAC symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO), Gifu, Japan, September 2009.
- D. O. Popa, A. N. Das, “Precision-Driven Hybrid Control for 3D Microassembly”, Workshop on control issues, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Kobe, Japan, page(s): 13-17, May 2009.
- A. N. Das, J. Sin, D. O. Popa, and H. E. Stephanou, “Precision Alignment and Assembly for a Fourier Transform Microspectrometer”, International Journal of Micro-Nano Mechatronics (JMNM), Vol. 5, No. 1-2, Springer Berlin, page(s): 15-28, 2009.
- D. O. Popa, R. Murthy, A. N. Das, “M³ – Deterministic, Multiscale, Multirobot Platform for Microsystems Packaging: Design and Quasi-Static Precision Evaluation”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE), Vol. 6, Issue: 2, page(s): 345–361, 2009.
- H. Kim, W.H. Lee, H.V. Dias, and S. Priya, “Piezoelectric Microgenerators – Current Status and Challenges,” IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol. 56, no. 8, August, pp.1555-1568, 2009.
- Mayyas, M., Zhang, P., Lee, W-H., Popa, D., Chiao, JC. “An active micro joining mechanism for 3-D assembly.” J. Micromech. Microeng., Volume 19, 2009.
- Mayyas, M., Sin, J., Stephanou, H. “Methodologies for the Assembly of a Fiber Coupled MEMS Fourier Transform Spectrometer.” IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies. Vol. 32,issue 1, 2009, pp. 658-666.
- Mayyas, M., Shiakolas, P. “Micro-surfaces reverse engineering and compensation for laser micromachining.” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. Volume 6, issue 2, 2009, pp. 291-301.
- Sin J., Lee W.H., Mittal M., Mayyas. M, and Harry Stephanou, “Manufacturability Analysis of Assembled FT Microspectrometer,” International Conference on Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics (Clearwater, Florida, 2009).
- D. O. Popa, A. N. Das and R. Murthy, “M³, μ³, and N³: Top-down, Deterministic Macro to Nano Robotic Factories with Yield & Speed Adjusted Precision Metrics”, 6th International Workshop on Micro Factories (IWMF), Illinois, USA, October 2008.
- R. Murthy , D. O. Popa and A. N. Das, “Untethered Manufacturable Microrobots via Compliant Silicon MEMS Assembly and 3D Die Stacking”, 6th International Workshop on Micro Factories (IWMF), Evanston, Illinois, USA, October 2008.
- R. Murthy , A. N. Das, D. O. Popa, “Arripede – A Stick-Slip Micro Crawler/Conveyor Robot Constructed via 2½D MEMS assembly”, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Nice, France, page(s): 34-40, September 2008.
- R. Murthy, A. N. Das, D. O. Popa, “ARRIpede: An Assembled Micro Crawler”, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), Arlington, TX, USA, page(s): 833-836, August 2008.
- Mayyas, M. Zhang, P., Lee, W- H., Shiakolas, P., Popa, D., 2007. Design Tradeoffs for Electrothermal Microgrippers, ICRA07 (Roma, Italy, April 2007)
- Hsu, T. Ativanichayaphong, H. Cao, J. Sin, M. Graff, J.C. Chiao, and H.E. Stephanou, “Evaluation of commercial metal oxide based NO2 sensors,” Sensor Review, Vol.27, No. 2, pp.121-131, 2007.
- A. N. Das, F. L. Lewis, D. O. Popa, “Data-Logging and Supervisory Control in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD), Las Vegas, Nevada, page(s): 330-338, June 2006.
- R. Murthy, A. N. Das, D. O. Popa, “Multiscale Robotics Framework for MEMS Assembly”, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Singapore, page(s): 1-6, December 2006.
- Mayyas, M., Shiakolas, P., 2006. A Study on The Thermal Behavior Of Electrothermal Microactuators Due To Various Voltage Inputs. Proceedings of IMECE 2006, Paper No. IMECE2006-15321 (Chicago IL, November 2006).
- Mayyas, M., Shiakolas, P. , Lee, W. H., Popa, D., Stephanou, H.; 2006. Static and dynamic modeling of thermal microgripper. MED06-14th Mediterranean Conference in Automation and Control (Ancona, Italy, June 2006).
- Mayyas, M., Zhang, P., Shiakolas, P., Lee W. H., Popa, D., Stephanou,H., 2006. Issues in the Current and Thermal Distribution for a Probed Electrothermal MEMS Actuator of Parallel Resistive Structure. TEXMEMS VIII International Conference on MEMS (Dallas, Texas, Sept-2006).
- V. Sharma, M. R. Hossu, W.H. Lee, A.R. Koymen, and S. Priya, “Enhanced piezoresistive characteristics of Nb2O5 modified La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 ceramics,” Applied Physics Letters, 89, 202902, 2006.
- Zhang, P., Mayyas, M., Lee W. H., Popa, D., Shiakolas P., Stephanou, H., Chiao, JC., 2006. Design of an Active Lock for Integrating 3D Micro Structures. TEXMEMS VIII International Conference on MEMS (Dallas, Texas, Sept-2006).
- Mayyas, M., Lee, W. H., Popa, D., Shiakolas, P., Zhang, P., Stephanou, H., 2005. Comprehensive Electrothermal Modeling of a Thermal Microgripper. TEXMEMS VII International Conference on MEMS (El Paso, TX, September 2005).
- Mayyas, M., Shiakolas, P., 2005. Application of Thin Plate Splines for Surface Reverse Engineering and Compensation for Femtosecond Laser Micromachining. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control: Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (Cyprus, 2005).
- Mayyas, M., Lee, W. H., Popa, D., Shiakolas, P., Zhang, P., Stephanou, H., 2005. Comprehensive Electrothermal Modeling of a Thermal Microgripper. TEXMEMS VII International Conference on MEMS (El Paso, Texas, September 2005).
- Hsu, L.,George,V.,Popa, D., Lee, W. H., Mayyas, M., Zhang, P., Stephanou, H., Chiao, JC., 2005. 3D Microassembly Station. in Proceedings of TexMEMS VII (El Paso, Texas, September 2005).
- Mayyas, M., Shiakolas, P., 2005. Transient Thermal Model of an Attached Lateral Thermal Actuator. TEXMEMS VII International Conference on MEMS, (El Paso, Texas, September 2005).
Conference Papers
- A. N. Das, “Quantitative Optimization of a Custom Flexible Manufacturing Platform for Assembly and Packaging of Heterogeneous Microsystems”, Proceedings of ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (ASME-IMECE), San Diego, CA, November 2013.
- A. N. Das, S. Savoie, “A Low Cost, Modular and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Cell for Construction of Heterogeneous Micro-Nano Systems”, Proceedings of Tech Connect World Summit, Washington DC, USA, May 2013.
- A. N. Das, S. Savoie, “Quasi-static Evaluation of a Modular and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Cell”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013.
- R. Sidhu, J. Sin, W.H. Lee, H. Stephanou, and M. Wijesundara, “Electrohydrodynamic Printing of Metal Oxide Microstructures,” Proc. 7th International Conference on MicroManufacturing, pp. 458-461, Chicago, IL, March, 2012.
- A. N. Das, R. Murthy, “Integrated Heterogeneous Micro-nano Systems via Modular Designing and Flexible Assembly”, ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Vol. 11, Denver, CO, USA, page(s): 849-854, November 2011.
- A. N. Das, H. E. Stephanou, “Concurrent Engineering in A Microfactory”, Commercialization of Micro-Nano Systems Conference (COMS), Greensboro, North Carolina, USA, August, 2011.
- A. N. Das, H. E. Stephanou, “Design of Microassembly through Process Modeling in Virtual Reality”, Microtech conference and expo, Boston, MA, USA, June, 2011.
- Son S., Lee S. , Kim Y-J., An K., Choi J, Sin J., Lee W.H., Wijesundara M.B.J., Stephanou H.E., Array-Nozzle EHD Print Head and its Drop-on-Demand Experimentation, Proceedings of Nanotech 2011, June 13-16, 2011, Boston, MA.
- R. Murthy, A. N. Das, H. E. Stephanou, “Micro-Nano Integration via Hybrid Control of Multiscale Manipulators”, Proceedings of IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), Monterey, California, USA, page(s): 61-64, October, 2010.
- A. N. Das, R. Murthy, H.E. Stephanou, “Design for Micromanufacturability”, Commercialization of Micro-Nano Systems Conference (COMS), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, August-September, 2010.
- R. Murthy, A. N. Das, H. E. Stephanou, “Micro-Nano Integration via Hybrid Control of Multiscale Manipulators”, Proceedings of IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), Monterey, California, USA, page(s): 61-64, October, 2010.
- J. Sin, W.H. Lee, and H. Stephanou, “Sensitivity Analysis of an Assembled Fourier Transform Microspectrometer,” Proc. SPIE, Vo. 7680, Orlando, FL, 2010.
- K. Rabenorosoa, C. Clevy, and P. Lutz, A. N. Das, R. Murthy, D. O. Popa, “Precise motion control of a piezoelectric microgripper for microspectrometer assembly”, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), San Diego, USA, page(s): 769-776, September, 2009.
- Sin J., Lee W.H., Mittal M., Mayyas. M, and Harry Stephanou, “Manufacturability Analysis of Assembled FT Microspectrometer,” International Conference on Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics (Clearwater, Florida, 2009).
- G. Zimbru, W. Lee, and D. Popa, “Design and Fabrication of Microflap Actuators for Steering of Micro Air Vehicles,” Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 7318, 2009.
- A. N. Das, J. Sin, D. O. Popa, and H. E. Stephanou, “On the Precision Alignment and Hybrid Assembly Aspects in Manufacturing of a Microspectrometer”, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Washington DC, USA, page(s): 959-966, August 2008.
- A. N. Das, J. Sin, D. O. Popa, and H. E. Stephanou, “Design and Manufacturing of a Fourier Transform Microspectrometer”, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), Arlington, Texas, USA, page(s): 837-840, August 2008.
- R. Murthy, A. N. Das, D. O. Popa, “High Yield Assembly of Compliant MEMS Snap Fasteners”, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Brooklyn, New York, USA, page(s): 789-797, August 2008.
- A. N. Das, P. Zhang, W. H. Lee, D. O. Popa, and H. E. Stephanou, “µ³: Multiscale, Deterministic Micro-Nano Assembly System for Construction of On-Wafer Microrobots”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Rome, Italy, page(s): 461-466, April 2007.
- D. O. Popa, W. H. Lee, R. Murthy, A. N. Das, H. E. Stephanou, “High Yield Automated MEMS Assembly”, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Arizona, USA, page(s): 1099-1104, September 2007.
- A. N. Das, P. Zhang, W. H. Lee, D. O. Popa, and H. E. Stephanou, “µ³: Multiscale, Deterministic Micro-Nano Assembly System for Construction of On-Wafer Microrobots”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Rome, Italy, page(s): 461-466, April 2007.
- N. Lakhkar, A. Fasoro, W.H. Lee, D. Popa, D. Agonafer, and H. Stephanou, “Process Development and Die Shear Testing in MOEMS Packaging,” ASME InterPACK’07, British Columbia, Canada, July 2007.
- R. Murthy, A. N. Das, D. O. Popa, H. E. Stephanou, “M³: Multiscale, Deterministic and Reconfigurable Macro-Micro Assembly System for Packaging of MEMS”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Rome, Italy, page(s): 668-673, April 2007.
- A. Fasoro, D. Popa, A. Patil, W. Lee, J. Sin, and H. Stephanou, “Fluxless Soldering for Hermetic Packaging of MOEMS,” IMAPS International Conference and Exhibition on Device Packaging, Scottsdale, Arizona, March 2006.
- A. Fasoro, A. Patil, D. Popa, H. Beardsley, D. Agonafer and H. Stephanou, “Fluxless soldering of MOEMS,” ITHERM Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, San Diego, May, 2006.
- A. Fasoro, P. Pandojirao-S, W.H. Lee, D. O. Popa, H. Stephanou, and D. Agonafer, “Die and Wafer-Level Hermetic Sealing Using SnAn Solder for MEMS Applications,” TexMEMS VIII Workshop, Dallas, TX, 2006.
- A. Kole, J. Sin, W.H. Lee, D. Popa, D. Agonafer, and H. Stephanou, “Design of Polymer Tube Embedded In-Plane Micropump,” ITHERM, San Diego, 2006.
- Mayyas, M., Shiakolas, P., 2006. A Study on The Thermal Behavior Of Electrothermal Microactuators Due To Various Voltage Inputs. Proceedings of IMECE 2006, Paper No. IMECE2006-15321 (Chicago IL, November 2006).
- Mayyas, M., Shiakolas, P., 2006. Micro-Surface Construction and Characterization from Digital Elevation Model Using Thin Plate Splines in Matlab Environment. Proceedings of IMECE 2006, Paper No. IMECE2006-13471, (Chicago IL, November 2006).
- Mayyas, M., Zhang, P., Shiakolas, P., Lee W. H., Popa, D., Stephanou,H., 2006. Issues in the Current and Thermal Distribution for a Probed Electrothermal MEMS Actuator of Parallel Resistive Structure. TEXMEMS VIII International Conference on MEMS (Dallas, Texas, Sept-2006).
- S. Mukherjee, W.H. Lee, R.A. Islam, and S. Priya, “High Energy Density Piezoelectric Materials and Applications,” 2006 U.S. Navy Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices, The Penn State Conference Center, Pennsylvania, May 2006.
- R. Murthy, A. N. Das, M. Mittal, D. O. Popa, “M³: Multiscale Assembly and Packaging System for MOEMS”, Proceedings of Surface Mount Technology Association International Conference (SMTAI), Chicago, Illinois, September 2006.
- D. Popa, J. Sin, R. Murthy, M. Mittal, and H. Stephanou., “Modular Microassembly System for MEMS Packaging”, ANS Conference Sharing Solutions for Emergencies and Hazardous Environments, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 2006.
- D. Popa, W.H. Lee, J. Sin, A.N. Das, R. Murthy, and P. Zhang, “M3 and 3: Multiscale, Deterministic Micro-Nano Assembly Systems for Construction of On-Wafer Microrobots,” TexMEMS VIII Workshop, Dallas, TX, 2006.
- J. Sin, W.H. Lee, D. Popa, and H.E. Stephanou, “Assembled Fourier Transform Micro-spectrometer,” SPIE MOEMS-MEMS, San Jose, January 2006.
- W.H. Lee, D. Popa, J. Sin, V. George, and H.E. Stephanou, “Compliant Microassembly of MEMS,” Sharing Solutions for Emergencies and Hazardous Environments, Utah, February 2006.
- Zhang, P., Mayyas, M., Lee W. H., Popa, D., Shiakolas P., Stephanou, H., Chiao, JC., 2006. Design of an Active Lock for Integrating 3D Micro Structures. TEXMEMS VIII International Conference on MEMS (Dallas, Texas, Sept-2006).
- Zhang, P., Mayyas, M., Lee,W. H., Popa,D., Shiakolas,, P., Stephanou, H., Chiao, JC., 2006. An Active Locking Mechanism for Assembling 3D Micro Structures. SPIE International Smart Materials, Nano- & Micro-Smart Systems Symposium (Adelaide Australia, December 10-13 2006).
- A. Fasoro, A. Patil, W.H. Lee, J. Sin, H. Beardsley, D. Popa, and H.E. Stephanou, “Fluxless Soldering of MOEMS,” TexMEMS VII International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical, El Paso, Texas, September 2005.
- Hsu, L., George, V., Popa, D., Lee, W. H., Mayyas, M., Zhang, P., Stephanou, H., Chiao, JC., 2005. 3D Microassembly Station. in Proceedings of TexMEMS VII (El Paso, Texas, September 2005).
- A.S. Kole, K. Bushan, J. Sin, W.H. Lee, D. Popa, D. Agonafer, and H.E. Stephanou, “Polymer tube embedded in-plane micropump: design, analysis and fabrication,” ASME Int’l Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 2005.
- A.S. Kole, J. Sin, W.H. Lee, D. Popa, D. Agonafer, and H.E. Stephanou, “Polymer tube embedded in-plane micropump,” TexMEMS VII International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical, El Paso, Texas, September 2005.
- Mayyas, M., Shiakolas, P., 2005. Application of Thin Plate Splines for Surface Reverse Engineering and Compensation for Femtosecond Laser Micromachining. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control: Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (Cyprus, 2005).
- D. Popa, M. Deeds, A. Fasoro, H. Beardsly, J. Sin, W.H. Lee, and R. Fernandez, “Automated Assembly and Hermetic Packaging of MOEMS for Applications Requiring Extended Shelf-Lives,” ASME Int’l Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 2005.
- R. Murthy, M. Mittal, D. Popa, J. Sin, and H. Stephanou, “Modular microassembly system for MEMS packaging,” TEXMEMS VII International Conference on MEMS, El Paso, TX, September 2005.