UTARI Seminar – Dr. Kyrah Brown

Each seminar highlights a different speaker who will discuss their latest research projects, cutting-edge technology or what is happening within certain technological industries. These industries include biomedical technologies or microsystems, assistive technologies, automation and intelligent systems, unmanned systems, advanced manufacturing and composite materials.


Exploring the Social Determinants of Black Women’s Reproductive and Cardiovascular Health


In this presentation, Dr. Brown will provide an overview of the existing racial/ethnic disparities and inequities in reproductive and cardiovascular health (and the root causes), highlight her current research at the intersection of reproductive and cardiovascular health among Black women, and discuss future directions in the field.


Kyrah K. Brown, PhD is a an assistant professor of public health and director of the MCH equity research lab at the University of Texas at Arlington. She has expertise in reproductive and perinatal health equity research, mixed methods research, and program and coalition evaluation. Her research goal is to examine and address the social and structural inequities that shape Black women’s health across the lifecourse, with an emphasis on preconception cardiovascular health, systems science approaches, and systems of care. She is passionate about partnering with community members and leveraging research and evaluation to aid in dismantling racial and social inequities that impact pregnant and parenting families. She is a member of the Tarrant County Birth Equity Collaborative and the Tarrant County Health Equity Alliance, which focuses on ending health, socioeconomic, and racial inequities in maternal and infant health.


July 28, 2023




UTARI Boardroom 125

7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S

Fort Worth, TX 76118

Attend via Teams

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