UTARI Hosts Women in Engineering Composite Manufacturing Workshop

Organized by Sharmin Akter, a graduate student research assistant for the Institute for Predictive Performance Methodologies (IPPM), UTARI hosted the Composite Manufacturing Workshop. Its purpose was to gain hands-on experience on composite manufacturing processes, including layup technologies. Participants discovered the diverse applications of composites in cutting-edge industries and explored internship…

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UTARI Seminar – Dr. Shiyao Lin

Each seminar highlights a different speaker who will discuss their latest research projects, cutting-edge technology or what is happening within certain technological industries. These industries include biomedical technologies or microsystems, assistive technologies, automation and intelligent systems, unmanned systems, advanced manufacturing and composite materials. Title: Structural Integrity and Reliability across Length…

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UTARI Research Receives Prestigious Recognition at PHM 2023

Partha Pratim Das, a UTARI research assistant with UTARI’s Institute for Predictive Performance Methodologies, presented his doctoral research proposal “A Neural Network Framework for Predicting Durability and Damage Tolerance of Polymer Composites Under Combined Hygrothermal-mechanical Loading” at the Doctoral Symposium at PHM Conference. His work was recognized with the distinction…

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Dr. Xin Liu Presents at AIAA SciTech Conference

Dr. Xin Liu, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, presented two talks at AIAA SciTech conference in early January. The first talk is “Analysis of Tow-steered Laminates of Composites Using DATC and Machine Learning Models”. This work is funded by a NASA Phase II STTR program, aiming to…

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