McNair to speak about Intelligent Transportation at TexITE

mike texite

Just how real are driverless cars?  When will they be available?  Looking beyond television commercials and vehicle announcements, McNair brings a holistic approach to this exciting technology.  Many advancements have been made in driverless vehicles but in order to see their widespread use and reality, we must prepare and offer…

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“Inquiry” quotes Drs. McCabe and Reifsnider about Composites

Dr. McCabe 2016

“Inquiry’s”Melinda Mahaffey Icden quotes UTARI Executive Director Dr. Mickey McCabe and Director of the Institute for Predictive Performance Methodologies regarding development and testing of composite materials. Composite materials can be found in everything from cars to space shuttles. But their development is difficult and testing expensive. With two new centers…

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UTARI Researchers elevated to IEEE Senior Member

utari muthu and aditya

UTARI researchers Muthu Wijesundara and Aditya Das have been upgraded to Senior Member status by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). According to IEEE, the level of Senior Member is considered the highest grade for which a member of the organization may apply. Eligibility requirements include professional maturity…

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McNair to speak at AUVSI Innovation Hub, New Orleans, May 3, 5

innohub AUVSI 2016

Human-Robotics Interfaces and Growing Unmanned Systems Research Programs Mike McNair, head of UTARI’s Automation & Intelligent Systems division will be a featured speaker at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International’s “Innovation Hub” on May 3 and 5. This is part of the activities offered by AUVSI’s Xponential 2016 conference…

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