Airborne Network Computing Platforms for UAV

Doctor Yan Wan

Aerial Computing Yan Wan, an associate professor in UTA’s Department of Electrical Engineering, is the team lead on a three-year, $998,803 grant from the National Science Foundation that will develop a networked airborne computing platform for multiple unmanned aerial systems. Read more…

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Green City Challenge Camp

green city 2 Arlington

Students Explore Robots, Programming at Library Camp In a week-long camp at the East Arlington Branch Library, students aged 10 to 18 learned the fundamentals of robotics and computer programming and also heard from specialists in those fields. Read more…

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UTARI Seminar: Dr. Young-tae Kim

UTARI Seminars

UTARI Seminar is held the last Friday of each month at 12:00PM (noon). Each seminar highlights a different speaker who will discuss their latest research projects, cutting-edge technology or what is happening within certain technological industries. These industries include biomedical technologies or microsystems, assistive technologies, automation and intelligent systems, unmanned…

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National Academy of Engineering 2017

dr ledani 2017

Dr. Leila Ladani, a professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and one of the lead scientists of UTARI/IPPM has been chosen to take part in National Academy of Engineering 2017 EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. The Frontiers of Engineering program brings together through 2-1/2 day meetings a select group of…

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