NASA Awards Dr. Xin Liu for Composites and Hybrid Material Systems

Affordable space exploration beyond the lower Earth orbit will require innovative lightweight structural concepts. Advanced tailorable composites or hybrid material systems can be a means of lightweight exploration vehicles, space habitats, and other space hardware or to enable challenging performance characteristics. However, no commercially available design tools exist to produce…

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UTARI Awarded Subcontract from University of Georgia

UTARI’s Automation & Intelligent Systems Division was subcontracted by the University of Georgia. Funded by Army DEVCOM Data & Analysis Center (DAC) via Northeastern University and Georgia, the project is for the “Development of Testing & Evaluation for Soldier-Device Teaming Compatibility, Vulnerability, and Durability in Emergent Situations AI Baseline of…

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Upward Bound Tours UTARI

UTA’s Upward Bound visited UTARI to learn more about the Institute for Predictive Performance Methodologies and the Automation and Intelligent Systems Division. Students met with researchers and toured UTARI labs. Upward Bound (UB) is a federally funded program founded in 1965 by the U.S. Department of Education. Located at several…

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